Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Remember the reason why you're doing this: fun, enjoyment and raising money for charity!

The Swim
How far is 400 metres?

Eight lengths of a 50 m pool, or 16 lengths of a 25 m pool.

The Swim
What swim stroke should I use?

It’s your choice: freestyle, backstroke or breaststroke.

The Swim
What if I panic in the water?

We have lifesavers on duty, but try the following:
- Roll over onto your back and make sure your head is well out of the water.
- Slowly take a deep breath and think happy thoughts.
- Force yourself to smile and your body will naturally feel better.
- If you need help, raise your hand to attract the lifesavers’ attention.

The Swim
Do I need a wetsuit?

15.9° – wetsuit mandatory
15.9° – 22° – wetsuit optional
22° and above – wetsuit not allowed
TSA will announce the temperature of the water an hour before the start of the swim

The Swim
Will other swimmers collide with me during the swim?

It’s unlikely; triathletes are generally considerate of each other. If you feel nervous or unsure, start at the back or on the side where there is less congestion.

The Swim
Do we all start at the same time?

No. The races start in waves: first the individuals and then the teams in each race – WW X TRi and the WW X TRI Lite

How do I know which direction to swim in?

The swim is generally anticlockwise, but this depends on the sun. We will show you the buoys in the water when you check in and explain the course during the race briefing.

Swim-to-Bike Transition
What do I do when I’ve finished swimming?

Team swimmers
- Exit the dam and follow the route to the transition area.
- Find your team’s cyclist.
- Hand over your team’s timing chip

Individual athletes:
- Exit the dam and follow the route to the transition area.
- Make your way to your bicycle.
- Get ready for the cycle as quickly as possible

Bike-to-Run Transition
What do I do when I’ve finished cycling?

Team cyclists:
- Dismount before the Dismount Line, as your approach the transition area
- Keep your helmet on and fastened
- Push your bike to your position in the bike racks
- Place your bike on the rack and unclip and remove your helmet
- Find your team’s runner
- Hand over your team’s timing chip

Individual athletes:
- Dismount before the Dismount Line, as your approach the transition area.
- Keep your helmet on and fastened.
- Push your bike to your position in the bike racks
- Place your bike on the rack and unclip and remove your helmet
- Prepare for the run

The Cycle
How difficult is the X Tri Lite route?

You should be fine if you’ve:
Done some cycling on dirt roads
Ridden up one or two steep hills
Ridden at least 20 km on at least two occasions

The Cycle
How difficult is the X Tri route?

You should be fine if you’ve:
Done some mountain biking that include single track and technical elements
Have strong climbing and descending skills
Ridden at least a 40 km mountain bike race on a few occasions

The Cycle
Do I need a new bike?

No. As long as your bike is functional and has all the necessary safety aspects, like good tyres and working brakes, you will be fine.

The Cycle
Do I need special cycling shoes?

No. Running shoes and toe clips for the bike are all that is required. If you are a seasoned MTB athlete, you may use special shoes, but remember you will have to change from these into running shoes in the bike-to-run transition area.

The Cycle
Is there a bike mechanic on-site?

Yes. To assist with basic needs and minor mechanical issues.

The Cycle
When do I need to wear my helmet?

At all times while on your bike, even before and after the race. The chinstrap must be clipped the moment you mount your bike, and remain so until you get off your bike at the rack in the bike-to-run transition area.

The Cycle
How close can I ride to the other competitors?

Keep at least two full bike lengths away from other cyclists. This is for both safety reasons and fairness, and allows for sudden unforeseen emergencies.

The Run
Must I run with shoes?

Yes. The rules require it and the terrain is rough underfoot

The Run
Can I walk?

Yes. Any form of locomotion is allowed: walking, jogging and running

The Run
How long can I spend at the watering points?

As long as you need to

The Finish
What do I need to do when I’ve crossed the finish line?

Congratulate yourself and catch your breath.
Step away from the finish line so others can cross.
Make your way to the athlete recovery zone.

The Finish
When do I see the results from the race?

Provisional results are generally posted within an hour of the last competitor finishing.

The Finish
What do I need to do when I near the finish?

Make sure your race number is facing the front.
Make sure the chip timing responder is attached to your ankle.
Smile and wave at your fans and teammates.


Familiarise yourself with the event’s layout.
Check where your family and corporate support will be based during your race.
Feeling tired? Stop, take a breath and enjoy the stunning views.
Need help? The medics will assist you.