The Karkloof region is renowned for its breathtaking mountain biking trails, and who better to...
The start of a new year is the perfect time to set fresh goals, tackle exciting challenges...
The WW X TRI returned to its roots for the season finale at the stunning Paul Clüver Family Wines...
Finishing a triathlon is an incredible achievement. Whether it was your first race or one of many...
Triathlon Nutrition 101: What to Eat Before, During, and After the Race...
Are you gearing up for a triathlon and wondering how to make the most of your training? Whether...
It’s time to gear up for the last event in the Woolworths X Tri series, and this one’s going to be..
On Sunday, 8 September, the Woolworths Cross Triathlon (WW X TRI) took center stage at Prime View...
If you're looking for a fun and exciting outdoor experience, our trail run at Prime View is a must..
When you think of a triathlete, you might imagine someone who lives and breathes fitness. But our...