
Things to remember

WW X Tri Checklist

Things to remember & pack for your Triathlon

Things to remember before and on race day. Download the athlete guide (it will be posted closer to the event date). This is your best source of all the information you will need in one place

General Things
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Race numbers – Bike Number Board plus cable ties & Bike/Run Athlete Number (provided in race pack).

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Elastic band for Bike/Run Athlete Number.

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Timing Chip (this goes on your LEFT ankle away from your bike drive train) – it must be returned or you will be charged for it.

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Race clothing (Trisuit, Swimsuit, Cycling kit, or Running Kit & Wetsuit, if you have one).

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Swim Cap (provided in race pack) & Goggles (optional).

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Towel (quite useful for laying out transition items).

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Mountain Bike. Make sure that both brakes are working, tyres and tubes are in good condition and if possible make sure it has recently been serviced.

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Bike helmet. Make sure it fits correctly, is approved type, and is in good condition with no cracks. No helmet = No ride.

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Bike shoes, socks, gloves & sunglasses (if used).

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Water bottles – filled with water and or sports drinks. Any pre-race or race nutrition items.

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Running shoes & socks.

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Peak or Cap (if used).

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Sunscreen, clean clothes for after.

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Sense of humour, dash of determination & victory speech (as required).

Race Morning
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Transition is opened early.  Get to the venue with enough time to get yourself set up in transition.

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NO bags or buckets are allowed to be left in transition.  Only race discipline items may be in transition.

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Wear your helmet if you are on your bike.  Have your helmet on and ready for inspection on entering transition.

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Your bike & swim cap may also be checked.

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Check the Race Schedule and make sure to attend the Race Briefing before the swim start, even if you are a team cyclist or runner.  It is your responsibility to know the rules and the course.

Transition Area
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Rack your bike on the bike racks marked for your race and race number.

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Towel on the ground with your bike/run shoes, race number, sunglasses, etc.

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Helmet on the handlebars or on your bike seat (Leave the chinstrap unfastened).

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Do not un-rack your bike unless your helmet is on.

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Check the flow of transition to make sure you know how to enter and exit the transition.

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A good rule to remember, place things in a sequence so you can grab them easily.

Post Race
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The transition will only open after all riders are off the bike course and onto the run course.  Listen to the announcer who will announce when the transition is open to retrieve your race items.

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Check you have all your items and only your items.

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You will need to have your Bike/Run Athlete Number and/or your Athlete band to show officials.

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Make sure you return your timing chip and band.